Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm back!

Hello to my few but faithful readers! LOL!

Sorry for the brief hiatus. We took a long weekend to go out of town, and ended up with no internet access! I had fully intended to keep you updatd on our trip, with pictures, but alas, that was not in the works.

Ah well. We had some much-needed family time.

A great trip actually. Better than anticipated. You see, we travelled with us, FireGirl, and both sets of in-laws. Really wasn't sure how that was gonna work, but it went alright after all.

I have so many new things to write about, that I've been trying to jot down my thoughts so I can get around to them before they are forgotten.

A brief update on the house situation - the bank accepted our counter-offer! We got the news while we were on the road. Really didn't think they would go that low. In fact, their realtor had initially told us they wouldn't, but we decided to put in the offer last Wednesday evening anyway. That night I just prayed that if God wanted us to have this house, then He would swing the doors wide open for us, and if He didn't, then He would close them. I prayed that He would just make it as obvious as possible.
And I have to tell you, doors have been swinging WIDE!
First, we heard that the bank accepted our offer.
Then, since we were out of town & discovered we had no email or printer or fax, our realtor talked to the bank's realtor, who convinced the bank to accept everything verbally instead of in writing, and give us seven days to get it in writing! Even marked it as "pending" and stopped taking offers!
And then, when we met with our realtor yesterday to sign papers, he informed us that after reviewing comps in the area, he thinks he can sell our current house at a profit of $10k-$15k, instead of the inital zero dollar profit he had told us earlier. In fact, he has a new client who is looking for pretty much exactly our house description, and he thinks if we can get it on the market by June 1st, he can have it pending in 3-4 weeks!

We still have to get the official loan approval, scrounge up the $$ for the down payment, and make it thru the inspection & appraisal, and are trusting God's will will be done in those regards, but... we have both been shocked by how smoothly and how quickly things have been moving so far, and are fairly confident that this is the way we are supposed to be going.

I promise to have more updates posted in the near future.

Happy Monday to Everyone!

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