Monday, July 8, 2013

Liebster Award

That's right folks, I have been nominated for my first ever award! I'm so excited! In the past I have seen Liebster Awards on other blogger's pages, and was sooooooooo jealous, LOL! I wanted one.

And now I have one, thanks to Dana over at Prudent Wisdom.

So, here's how this is supposed to work, Liebster Awards have a sort of chain-letter approach. You get nominated. You accept, and write an obligatory post (11 facts about yourself, answer 11 questions from your nominator, and ask your recipients 11 questions), nominating several blogs that you enjoy to also receive Liebster Awards. Spread the love, and all.

Yay! An award, a blog prompt, and I get to nominate some of my favorite bloggers as well! Does it get much better? Probably not in the blog world, LOL. So here goes:

11 facts about myself:
1) I've always had a thing for youger men, and Jason is three years my junior

2) My siblings and I are in the beginning stages of planning a celebration for my parents next year. Why? To celebrate FIFTY years of wedded bliss. What a great example for all of us!

3) I am the youngest of my siblings. So is Jason.

4) My siblings drive me crazy. I also love them more than life itself. And I'm pretty sure both feelings are mutual.

5) I play several musical instruments (but only one well), but cannot match my voice to a musical note by looking at sheet music. I sing by ear. And not that well.

6) We have not had any cable / satellite for nearly three years. And I don't miss it at all. We only get one channel right now, and it doesn't come in clearly. Mostly we use streaming Netflix.

7) I was raised in a strict Independent Baptist family, but now attend an inter-denominational church, and do not consider myself to belong to any particular religious denomination

8) I accepted Christ as my Saviour at church camp at the age of 10, rededicated my life to the Lord at age 15, and have been on an ever-developing journey of faith ever since.

9) My fears are: bumper cars, water slides, and chickens. Analyze that, ha!

10) When I was single, I decided I was only getting married once. I still hold to that.

11) I like big dogs. But not crazy about little dogs. At all.

11 questions, and their answers, from my nominee (Dana):

1) How do you work blogging into your schedule?
    Most of my blogging occurs on my lunch break at work.2) If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
    Oh, my list is so very, very long! Lately I've been dreaming of southern Europe, so let's go with that.
3) If you could have lunch with anyone, who would it be?
    My Grandpa. He passed away when Iwas six years old, and I still miss him. And all of his kids & grandkids get to be there too.
4) How often do you blog?
    It varies. I try to set it up to post daily, that's my goal. But as for the actual writing, it tends to come in spurts. I'll go days without writing anything, then have other days where I crank out three or four posts in no time. So I try to pre-write, and then schedule, my posts, to keep it more even for my readers.5) What is your favourite color?
    For most of my life my favourite color has been blue.
6) Is your house decorated in any way with firefighter decor?
    We have a fireplace room that I've dedicated for all of our firefighter decor. So far it's pretty spare. A few firetrucks on the mantle, a few pics on the wall, a decorate fire hydrant in the corner.
7) What would be, or is, your favorite vacation spot?
    If I had to pick one all-time favorite, it would be the Great Smoky Mountains. Can't get enough of the place!
8) A sentence or two describing a happy moment from your childhood?
    Popping tar bubbles with our toes on the road outside Grandma & Grandpa's farmouse.
9) What is something you recently learned?
    Learning some new responsibilities at work. Not really at liberty to discuss.
10) Which do you prefer, coffee or tea?
    Sweet tea, thank you.
11) What is your favourite season of the year and why?
    Autumn. I've always liked autumn, and it just keeps getting better. Cooler temps, football season, now our wedding anniversary and Jena's birthday. Can't get any better.
My blog nominations:

- Fire Wifey

- A Yellow Rose of Texas

11 questions for my nominees:

1) How do you usually spend your free time?
2) How would you like to spend your free time?
3) If you could live anywhere, where would it be, and why?
4) How long have you been blogging?
5) High heels or flats?
6) What advice would you give to your former 18-year-old-self?
7) What color is your car?
8) You just won the lottery, check has been deposited... what do you do first?
9) On an average day, how much time do you spend watching television?
10) Have every played an organized sport? if so, what / when?
11) Do you have any siblings?

Thanks for checking in everyone! And be sure to check out all my nominees and their awesome blogs!


Megan said...

Oh man! Thanks for including me! I actually did a post about this earlier this year (, so I won't post again. But I will answer your questions here. :)

1) How do you usually spend your free time? What free time? Just kidding! Crocheting & watching tv. Glamorous, I know!

2) How would you like to spend your free time? as mentioned above. Actually I don't count cleaning & laundry as free time, but I would love less of that and more crafty time!

3) If you could live anywhere, where would it be, and why? I really have no idea. Hubby has applied to a few places for a full time FF job, and I can't really imagine life anywhere. I can see us here or there, but pretty much somewhere in CA. Then again, Hawaii would be nice. ;)

4) How long have you been blogging? on and off for about ten years. I wrote at NewlyWife daily with my cousin for three years, then started FireWifey this Feb.

5) High heels or flats? I love heels, but over the summer it is usually cute flat sandals.

6) What advice would you give to your former 18-year-old-self? Chill out. Also, be okay with being yourself. People will like you just the way you are!

7) What color is your car? Blue!

8) You just won the lottery, check has been deposited... what do you do first? Pay off my student loans!! Then the house! Then book a vacation to Tahiti with the hubs!

9) On an average day, how much time do you spend watching television? Maybe an hour or two? Usually it's while I am doing other things.

10) Have every played an organized sport? if so, what / when? I did swimming and cross country in high school, then cheerleading in college. And yes, throwing people in the air or being thrown in the air totally counts as a sport! ;)

11) Do you have any siblings? Yup. A little bro. He's 2.5 years younger than me. And also wants to be a FF.

Also, I love Jesus too. :)

Steph{anie} said...

Wow, thanks so much! Once I get my lazy rear in gear, I'll re-post. You are awesome :)

'Yellow Rose' Jasmine said...

Just back from a Yellowstone vacation to show my nephew how great that place is! And then, look at this- you thought of me for sharing an award. Very nice.
I will get to thinking of questions and answering yours very soon.

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